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niedziela, 4 maja 2014

Primer every K-Pop fan part.1

I remember when I started listen the K-Pop, that was 1 year ago. That was magic time. I was so happy but also I was a bit confused because there was a bit different behaviour than we got (European people).

 I want to make this Primer for people who like K-Pop and want to understand their behaviour.

  •  First I want to tell you some words which K-pop fan used, also this words are used Korean stars when they are talking to each other. 

OPPA- This can say girl to older boy
NOONA- This can say boy to older girl
HYEONG- This can say boy to older boy
EONNI- This can say girl to older girl

     SEONBAE- This can say to someone who work in the same industry, but longer than you
     HUBAE- This can say someone who work longer in the same industry, to someone who work shorter

  • In evry band, every person got they own role:
MAKNAE- This someone who is youngest in the band. ( JungKook from BTS)
VISUAL MAKNAE- This someone who look for youngest, but isnt. ( YoSeob from B2ST)
LEADER- This is just leader, ( first person in the band). (G-Dragon from BigBang)
MAIN VOCALIST and  LEAD VOCALIST- Main vocalist got more text to sing and Lead Vocalist got better voice.
MAIN DANCER and LEAD DANCER- Main dancer is the main so this is mean he is dancing on the front and Lead dancer mean that he or she is a better dancer than everyone else.
MAIN RAPPER and LEAD RAPPER- Main rapper is a person who has a lot of sing (mean rap) and Lead rapper mean the best rapper in the band.
VISUAL- The most handsome person in band ( Jin from BTS)
FACE OF THE GROUP- A bit same as Visual, but it can be person who is talkin the most in shows like (Suga from BTS)
4D- Person from band who is life in his own world. (V from BTS)

  • Other words:
DAEBAK- Korean word mean that, something is cool or nice.
AEGYO- This is mean that something or someone is sweet, its same like "kawaii" in Japanese

Himchan has his own way to do AEGYO.
AIGOO or OMO- This is the same like Oh My Gosh in English
KAWI-BAWI-BO- It is game' Paper, Rock, Scissors' in Korean
HWAITING- (Fighting) but in korean aphabet isnt letter 'F' that why they call Hwaiting

BIAS- This is the one person in every band you like the most
ULTIMATE BIAS- This is the most likely bias of your all favourite bias.
SELCA- Its short version of 'Self camera', this is mean make your own photos.
TRAINEE- Its traine person who want to join to debut group.
FLOWER BOY- Its just very nice boy, not handsome.
PEDO-NOONA- Its a girl older than her bias.
                           King of make selfie                                    

piątek, 2 maja 2014

Living in Tokyo

Tokyo is the capital city of Japan. About 12 million people live there.
It is a modern city with universities, theatres, museums, libraries,
offices and shops.

Much of old Tokyo was destroyed by an earthquake in 1923.
It was rebuilt, but was destroyed by bombing during
the Second World War. After this, Tokyo's 
building were rebuild to move with earthquakes,
so they would not fall down.

Japan: Japanese life

Japan, land of rising sun..... Im sure you want to know why people call this country like that. So answer is really simple. They call it like this because Japan gets the sunlight as first before any country.

But its not over. In this post I want to tell you something about Japanese culture and the other things.

1) Origami and cranes
Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding, known in Japan since the seventh century.Also Japanese people start to created new forms of this art. People create their own, new original things. 

Crane in Japanese mean tsuru. In Japan, is a symbol of happiness and longevity. According to Japanese tradition, if someone wants to fulfill his dream become true or to someone returning to health, puts in the intention of a thousand cranes, which Senbazuru. Very often the crane just comes to the sick, as a request for the recovery or attached to the gift.
2) Japanese house
Japanese house is very functional, but also requires special behavior - rooms are lined with tatami mats, after which you can only walk in socks (do not stand on it in shoes or barefoot). Entering the hall of the Japanese take off shoes and put them toward the exit.

3)  Japanese traditional food
Did you know that Sushi is come from Japan, not from China. Are you suprised? Don't you worry, Chinese people also eat sushi.
                                                           What is Sushi?
Well, sushi is a fish but inside is a lot of different ingredients. They put there rice and vegetables. 
There is a lot of different types of sushi like Inarizushi, Oshizushi or Narezushi. 

Food and drink

In China, the art of cooking has been celebrated since early times. Feasts formed an important part of Chinese life and wealthy people often enjoyed elaborate banquets. In contrast, for most of the year ordinary people lived on a simple diet pd pulses and vegetables, with very little meat. Thought rice was always the favourite staple food in China, people in the northern provinces ate mainly millet and some wheat. Both rich and poor Chinese flavoured their food with a wide variety of herbs and spices. To save fuel, food was chopped into small pieces and cooked quickly in an iron frying pan, or wok, for a few minutes only. Many foods were also steamed or stewed. Toady Chinese food is enjoyed throughout the world.

czwartek, 1 maja 2014

How to draw Manga face?

Today's post is special for Japan fans. I mean 'Manga'. In this post I will show you how to dray manga face.
I will tell you, what equipments you need, and how to start draw.

 So first..... Equipments which you need are:
- Sharp pencil ( I think you will need more than one pencil to draw good manga)
- Sharpener ( everyone know why, If not.... to sharp your pencils)
- Rubber ( to rub out bad drawn parts of picture) and the most important thing
                                                      - Paper ( It should be white)
1) Head 
First you should draw head, in manga is a lot of types of heads. I will show you just 6. ( If you want, you can make your own). When you draw a head, you have to make it really softly.
Female and Male heads.
2) Eyes
Then start to draw eyes. You can pick a types of eyes which one you want. there is a lot of types. Big, Small, Open, Close. ( I'm sure, you can choose something for you). as I told you, there is a lot. Here you can see just 44 types, but actually in manga is over 100 types.
When you're drawing eyes, you have make really dark eyes, so tightly press pencil into paper.
Big, Small whatever you want you can choose.
3) Nose
Next step is draw nose. Nose can look whatever you want. You can draw your your own if you want. You can draw big nose, mostly men got that kind of nose. If you wanna draw girl, nose should be a small.

4) Mouth
You don't know in how many ways, you can draw mouth. If you read manga, you can see, there is a lot of ways. If you draw a girl, you should draw a bit 'Kawaii' face. I mean on face should be a big smile or look a bit sweet.
A lot of types of mouth.  
5) Hair
Okey, now the hardest thing in sketch manga face. HAIR. Seriously, there is a lot of kinds of hair. Long, Short, With bangs or Without. Hairs are the most important thing in your character because it gives emotions to your character.
Girls hair. From short to long.