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niedziela, 27 kwietnia 2014

Does Asians have 'yellow' skin?

When any white person is see any  Asian person or ever hears anything about them, immediately raises the one word 'yolk'.

But do you really Asians are yellow? 
- For real NOT. People are just say that, because, I mean with this race 'yellow', as we are the races 'the white'. Of course, they got different shades of skin, but they are not exactly 'yellow'.

Do all Asians 'MAY' yellow skin? 
- Of course they do not, honestly no one is, but some people say that. So shade of the skin, depends also from parts of Asia. If their ancestors had come from the North, they will have porcelain skins, and those of the South, will be more ruddy curtains and chocolate.

Do slant-eyed wants to have a bright skin?
- Guys do not mind what colour of skin they got, while girls love to have clear and porcelain skins, because they shall use various beauty products, which help to brighten up the skins, and at the same time get rid of various baked goods and pimples from your face. Because of this complexion looks much brighter.

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