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niedziela, 4 maja 2014

Primer every K-Pop fan part.1

I remember when I started listen the K-Pop, that was 1 year ago. That was magic time. I was so happy but also I was a bit confused because there was a bit different behaviour than we got (European people).

 I want to make this Primer for people who like K-Pop and want to understand their behaviour.

  •  First I want to tell you some words which K-pop fan used, also this words are used Korean stars when they are talking to each other. 

OPPA- This can say girl to older boy
NOONA- This can say boy to older girl
HYEONG- This can say boy to older boy
EONNI- This can say girl to older girl

     SEONBAE- This can say to someone who work in the same industry, but longer than you
     HUBAE- This can say someone who work longer in the same industry, to someone who work shorter

  • In evry band, every person got they own role:
MAKNAE- This someone who is youngest in the band. ( JungKook from BTS)
VISUAL MAKNAE- This someone who look for youngest, but isnt. ( YoSeob from B2ST)
LEADER- This is just leader, ( first person in the band). (G-Dragon from BigBang)
MAIN VOCALIST and  LEAD VOCALIST- Main vocalist got more text to sing and Lead Vocalist got better voice.
MAIN DANCER and LEAD DANCER- Main dancer is the main so this is mean he is dancing on the front and Lead dancer mean that he or she is a better dancer than everyone else.
MAIN RAPPER and LEAD RAPPER- Main rapper is a person who has a lot of sing (mean rap) and Lead rapper mean the best rapper in the band.
VISUAL- The most handsome person in band ( Jin from BTS)
FACE OF THE GROUP- A bit same as Visual, but it can be person who is talkin the most in shows like (Suga from BTS)
4D- Person from band who is life in his own world. (V from BTS)

  • Other words:
DAEBAK- Korean word mean that, something is cool or nice.
AEGYO- This is mean that something or someone is sweet, its same like "kawaii" in Japanese

Himchan has his own way to do AEGYO.
AIGOO or OMO- This is the same like Oh My Gosh in English
KAWI-BAWI-BO- It is game' Paper, Rock, Scissors' in Korean
HWAITING- (Fighting) but in korean aphabet isnt letter 'F' that why they call Hwaiting

BIAS- This is the one person in every band you like the most
ULTIMATE BIAS- This is the most likely bias of your all favourite bias.
SELCA- Its short version of 'Self camera', this is mean make your own photos.
TRAINEE- Its traine person who want to join to debut group.
FLOWER BOY- Its just very nice boy, not handsome.
PEDO-NOONA- Its a girl older than her bias.
                           King of make selfie                                    

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