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środa, 30 kwietnia 2014

How to do Gwiyomi? Lesson by Lee Joon

Every K-Pop fan know how to do 'aegyo' (gwiyomi). 'Aegyo' mean 'cute' in Korean, same as 'Kawaii' in Japanese.
If you don't know how to do aegyo, this post is just for you. Here you will teach how to do it.

Your teacher will no'one different than Lee Joon from MBLAQ ( korean boys band).
                                                                  He is boss of it.


1) 'V'
You have to put your two fingers front of you, it have to look like 'V' then place it near your face. When you done that, add your sweet smile. :)

2) Hamster cheeks
Just close your mouth and let a little breath from your lungs to lips. ( Sometimes you can add your hand under your head).
(Girls tip for you. Do that when your boyfriend doesn't want to give you what you want). 

3) 'Yeah You'
In the case, nothing to add, ( just make nice smile) and put your fingers everywhere you want. 

4) Tears
How to do it? Just make your lips same as in 'Hamster cheeks' pose then put your one finger of every hand on cheeks.
Easy?           Easy, also you look so cute.
( Also you can do that gwiyomi when your boyfriend doesnt want to give you what you want), I'm sure he will change his mind, because who want to have a sad girlfriend.

5) V-Line
Nothing to add, just watch how the Boss is doing this.

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